



信息来源: 供稿人: 发布日期:2024-09-04 点击数:

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范梦阳,特聘研究员,四川大学双百人才,主要从事电化学CO2捕集与转化、含氮污染物资源化利用等方面研究。主要针对反应系统转化效率,能源效率、稳定性等关键科学技术问题,开展催化剂界面探究、系统创新与应用。研究成果在Nat.Catal.、Nat. Synth.、Nat.Commun.、Joule、Energy Environ. Sci.、Appl.Catal.B-Environ.,ACS Catal.等期刊发表。参编英文书籍1部。担任Chin. Chem. Lett.、J.Electrochem.、Front. Chem.等期刊青年编委,担任ACS Catal.、Nanomicro Lett.等审稿人。授权中国发明专利2项。


2024.07-至今 四川大学 特聘研究员

2021.03-2024.07 多伦多大学(UofT),博士后,

2020.07-2021.02 加拿大国立科学研究院(INRS),博士后

2015.09-2020.06 加拿大国立科学研究院(INRS),能源材料科学,博士学位

2012.09-2015.03 东华大学(DHU),环境工程,硕士学位

2008.09-2012.06 河北科技大学 (HUST),环境工程,学士学位


1. 碳转化:电极材料开发与表界面机理探究;碳/能双高效反应系统设计与应用

2. 碳捕集:CO2反应性捕集、空气CO2捕集技术

3. 氮转化:烟气NOx、工业废水含氮污染物的电化学转化




1. 四川大学引进人才科研启动经费资助项目,2024-2027,YJ202459,主持


1. M.Fan, J.E. Huang, R.K. Miao, Y. Mao, P. Ou, F. Li, X.Y. Li, Y. Cao, Z. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Yan, A. Ozden, W. Ni, Y. Wang, Y. Zhao, Z. Chen, B. Khatir, C.P O’Brien1, Y. Xu, Y.C. Xiao, G.I.N. Waterhouse, K. Golovin, Z. Wang*, E.H. Sargent*andDavid Sinton*,Cationic-group-functionalized electrocatalysts enable stable acidic CO2electrolysis,Nat.Catal.2023,6, 763-772.

2. M.Fan, R.K. Miao, P. Ou, Y. Xu, Z.Y. Lin, T.J. Lee, S.F. Hung, K. Xie, J.E. Huang, W. Ni, J. Li, Y. Zhao, A. Ozden, C.P. O’Brien, Y. Chen, Y.C. Xiao, S. Liu, J. Wicks, X. Wang, J. Abed, E. Shirzadi, E.H. Sargent*andDavid Sinton*,Single-site decorated copper enables energy- and carbon-efficient CO2methanation in acidic conditions,Nat.Commun.2023, 14, 3314.

3. M.Fan, MJ Eslamibidgoli,X Zhu,S Garbarino, AC Tavares, M Eikerling, D Guay *,Understanding the Improved Activity of Dendritic Sn1Pb3Alloy for the CO2Electrochemical Reduction: A Computational–Experimental Investigation,ACS Catal.2020, 10, 10726-10734.

4. M.Fan, S.Prabhudev, S.Garbarino, J.Qiao, GA. Botton, DA. Harrington, AC. Tavares and D.Guay*,Uncovering the nature of electroactive sites in nano architectured dendritic Bi for highly efficient CO2electroreduction to formate,Appl. Catal. B-Environ., 2020,274, 119031.

5. M.Fan, S Garbarino, AC Tavares, D Guay *, Progress in the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2on Hierarchical Dendritic Metal Electrodes,Curr. Opin. Electrochem., 2020, 23,145–153.

6. M.Fan, T. Lei, C..Ma, J.Jung, D. Guay*, J.Qiao*,Aqueous-phase electrochemical reduction of CO2based on SnO2CuO nanocomposites with improved catalytic activity and selectivity,Catal. Today,2018,318, 2-9.

7. M.Fan, S.Garbarino, G.Botton, AC. Tavares, and D. Guay*,Selective electroreduction of CO2to formate on 3D [100] Pb dendrites with nanometer-sized needle-like tips,J. Mater. Chem. A,2017,5, 20747-20756.(热点论文)

8. Y.Guan, X.Zhang, Y.Zhang, T.N.V. Karsili,M.Fan*, Yuyu Liu*,Achieving high selectivity towards electro-conversion of CO2using In-doped Bi derived from metal-organic frameworks,J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2022, 612, 235.

9. X.Wang,M.Fan*, Y.Guan, Y.Liu*, M.Liu, T.NV Karsili, J.Yi, X.D.Zhou, J.Zhang,MOF-based electrocatalysts for high-efficiency CO2conversion: structure, performance, and perspectives,J. Mater. Chem. A,2021, 9, 22710-22728.

10. Mengyang Fan,Jinli Qiao,Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide: Fundamentals and Technologies: Chapter 10 Challenges and Perspectives of CO2Electroreduction,CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 2016-06. (著作章节)

11. Y.Liu*,M.Fan, X.Zhang, Q.Zhang, D.Guay, J.Qiao,Design and engineering of urchin-like nanostructured SnO2catalysts via controlled facial hydrothermal synthesis for efficient electro-reduction of CO2,Electrochim. Acta, 2017, 248, 128-132.

12. J.Qiao*,M.Fan, Y.Fu, Z.Bai, C.Ma, Y.Liu,X.D.Zhou,Highly-active copper oxide/copper electrocatalysts induced from hierarchical copper oxide nanospheres for carbon dioxide reduction reaction,Electrochim. Acta, 2015, 153, 559-565.

13. M.Fan,Z.Bai,Q.Zhang,C.Ma,X.D.Zhou and J.Qiao*.Aqueous CO2reduction on morphology controlled CuxO nanocatalysts at low overpotentialRSC Adv., 2014,4, 44583-44591.

14. Y.Zhao, L.Hao, A.Ozden, S.Liu, R.K.Miao, P.Ou, T.Alkayyali, S.Zhang, J.Ning, Y.Liang, Y.Xu,M.Fan, Y.Chen, J.E.Huang, K.Xie, J.Zhang, C.P O’Brien, F.Li, E.H.Sargent, D.Sinton*,Conversion of CO2to multicarbon products in strong acid by controlling the catalyst microenvironment,Nature Synthesis, 2023, 2, 403–412.

15. Y.C. Xiao, S.S. Sun, Y. Zhao, R.K. Miao,M. Fan, G. Lee, Y. Chen, C. Gabardo, Y. Yu, C. Qiu, Z. Guo, X. Wang, P. Papangelakis, J.E. Huang, F. Li, C. O'Brien, J. Kim, K. Han, P. Corbett, J. Howe,E. H. Sargent, D. Sinton*,Reactive capture of CO2 via amino acid,Nature Communications, 2024 Aug, Acceptted.

16. S.Liu, J.Zhang, F.Li, J.P Edwards, Y.C.Xiao, D.Kim, P.Papangelakis, J.Kim, D.Elder, P.D.Luna,M.Fan, G.Lee, R.K.Miao, T.Ghosh, Y.Yan, Y.Chen, Y.Zhao, Z.Guo, C.Tian, P.Li, Y.Xu, E.H.Sargent*, David Sinton*,Direct air capture of CO2via cyclic viologen electrocatalysis,Energy Environ. Sci, 2024,17, 1266-1278.

17. Y.Xu, S.Liu, J.P. Edwards, Y.C.Xiao, Y.Zhao, R.K.Miao,M.Fan, Y.Chen, J.E.Huang, E.H. Sargent, and D.Sinton*,Regeneration of direct air CO2capture liquid via alternating electrocatalysis,Joule,7, 1–11,2023.

18. Y.Xu, R.K.Miao,J.P Edwards, S.Liu,C.P O’Brien, C.M Gabardo,M.Fan,J.E.Huang, A.R., E.H Sargent, D.Sinton*,A microchanneled solid electrolyte for carbon-efficient CO2electrolysis, 2021,Joule2021,6, 1-11.

19. R.K.Miao, Y.Xu, A.Ozden, A.R., C.P O’Brien, C.M Gabardo, G.Lee, J.P Edwards, J.E.Huang,M.Fan, X.Wang, S.Liu, Y.Yan, E.H Sargent, D.Sinton,Joule, 2021, 5, 2742-2753.

20. N.Z., B.D Ossonon,M.Fan, D.Mayilukila, S.Garbarino, G.Silveira, G.A Botton, D.Guay*, A.C Tavares*,Electroreduction of CO2to formate on amine modified Pb electrodes,J. Mater. Chem. A,2019,7, 11272-11281


1. 一种二氧化碳电化学还原催化剂及其制备和应用,中国发明专利,ZL201310705727.5,2017-01

2. 二氧化碳电化学还原催化剂及其制备和应用,中国发明专利,ZL201310525873.X,2015-08


中国化学快报、Journal of Electrochemistry、Frontiers in Chemistry青年编委。

ACS Catal.、Nanomicro Lett.、J. Colloid Interface Sci.、Sep. Purif.Technol.等期刊独立审稿人


1. 2020国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(中国国家留学基金委)

2. 2020加拿大魁北克科研新星奖(加拿大魁北克自然科学基金FRQNT)

3. 2018优秀博士奖学金(加拿大魁北克自然科学基金FRQNT)

4. 2016东华大学优秀硕士论文

5. 2014国家研究生奖学金(教育部)
