



信息来源: 供稿人: 发布日期:2022-11-20 点击数:


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[email protected]; [email protected]







2011.5-7:  美国华盛顿大学,大气科学,访问学生

2010.1-3:  美国华盛顿大学,大气科学,访问学生




1. 大气污染及其对自然生态系统和人群健康的影响

2. 世界自然遗产地保护与管理

3. 低碳城乡可持续发展系统

4. 健康城市






[1] 四川白酒主产区生态环境研究,四川省科技厅重点研发项目,2021-2023,主持。

[2] 华西雨屏带大气酸沉降、养分氮沉降和臭氧的研究,国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金,2020-2023,主研。

[3] 九寨沟世界自然遗产地植被演替与景观生态保护,九寨沟管理局,2020-2022,主研。

[4] 九寨沟水化学和水环境与钙华景观保护,四川省科技厅国合项目,2020-2022,主研。

[5] 九寨沟火花海保育项目必要性与可行性的论证、环境监测及影响评价,2019-2022,主持。

[6] 可持续校园研究与实践,西交利物浦大学,2019,主研。

[7] 世界自然遗产景观与生态保护国家级综合观测站项目运行维护服务,中国科学院成都生物研究所,主研。

[8] 川渝地区大气污染对生态和人体健康的风险研究,四川省科技厅国际科技合作项目, 2017-2020,主持。

[9] 华西雨屏带大气氮和硫沉降的通量及生态风险研究,国家自然科学基金海外及港澳台合作基金,2017-2018,主研。

[10] 旅游活动和区域大气污染对九寨沟湿沉降的影响研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2015-2017,主持.

[11] 九寨沟近现代环境历史重建与旅游可持续发展系统构建,2016-2018,四川省国际科技合作项目,主持.

[12] 四川大学校园PM2.5监测及来源研究平台, 2015-2020,主研.

[13] 成都市生物多样性保护战略与行动计划,成都市环保局,2015-2016,主研.

[14] 四川大学“111”项目——“山地资源工程和生态安全”,教育部和国家外专局国际科技合作项目, 2013-2018, 2008-2012,主研.

[15] 九寨沟湿地变化及其与水质的关系研究,四川大学博士后基金特别资助,一等, 2015.1-12,主持.

[16] 旅游基础设施利用对九寨沟环境的影响研究,四川大学博士后启动基金,一等,2013-2015,主持.

[17] How to facilitate public participation in source separation of municipal solid waste in Chengdu? Urban Campus Chengdu 2014. Sponsored by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation, 2014.3-6月,主持.

[18] 大气沉降对世界自然遗产地九寨沟的影响研究,国家国际科技合作项目, 2010-2012,主研.

[19] 九寨沟湖群景观格局时空变异及湖泊沼泽化预测,教育部国际合作项目, 2008,主研.

[20] 九寨沟湿地的结构与功能,教育部国际合作项目,2007,主研.


1. Xue Qiao, Shu, Q., Ya Tang, Duan, L., Seyler, B.C., Guo, H., Xiao, Y., Ying, Q., Zhang, H.L., 2021. Atmospheric Deposition of Sulfur and Nitrogen in the West China Rain Zone, Southwestern China: Fluxes, Concentrations, Ecological Risks, and Source Apportionment. Atmospheric Research, 256, 105569.

2. Zhang, M., Qiao, X., Seyler, B. C., Di, B., Wang, Y., and Tang, Y., 2021. Brief communication: Appropriate messaging is critical for effective earthquake early warning systems, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., //doi.org/10.5194/nhess-2021-42.

3. Xue Qiao, Lu Liu, Chun Yang, Hao Guo, Ya Tang, Qi Ying, Yanping Yuan, Hongliang Zhang, 2021. Responses of Fine Particulate Matter and Ozone to Local Emissions Reductions in the Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China. Environmental Pollution. 277, 116793.

4. Anastasiia Novichkova, Wei Shang, Yushun Yang, Xue Qiao, Ya Tang, Baicang Liu, 2020. Effect of Ultrafiltration–Reverse-Osmosis-Treated Shale Gas Wastewater on Seed Germination and Plant Growth. Energy & Fuels.

5. Xu, Jiayue and Yao, Minghong and Wu, Wenjing and Qiao, Xue and Yang, Xiaocui and Zhao, Xing and Zhang, Juying, 2021. Estimation of Ambient PM2.5-Related Disease Burden in China by 2030 Under Climate and Population Change Scenarios: A Modelling Study. THELANCETPUBLICHEALTH-D-20-03658, Available at SSRN: //ssrn.com/abstract=3727285or //dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3727285

6. Wenjing Wu; Minghong Yao; Xiaocui Yang; Philip Hopke; Hyunok Choi; Xue Qiao; Xing Zhao, 2020. Mortality burden attributable to long-term ambient PM2.5 exposure in China: Using novel exposure-response functions with multiple exposure windows. Atmospheric Environment.

7. Jin, Lei; Wang, Bin; Shi, Guangming; Seyler, Barnabas; Qiao, Xue; Deng, Xunfei; Yang, Fumo; Zhan, Yu. Impact of China’s recent amendments to air quality monitoring protocol on reported trends. Atmosphere.

8.颜炯,卢红雁,赵春兰,乔雪,石宵爽,陈晓兰,梁英,王霞,第宝锋,唐亚. “Campus as a Living Lab”的教学模式实践——基于跨学科项目制人才培养的“可持续城市系统”课程探索.

9. Xue Qiao, Yanping Yuan, Ya Tang, Qi Ying, Hao Guo, Yueying Zhang, Hongliang Zhang*, 2020. Revealing the Origin of Fine Particulate Matter in the Sichuan Basin from a Source-oriented Modeling Perspective. Atmospheric Environment. 244, 117896.

10. Yueying Zhang, Yuanfei Cao, Ya Tang, Qi Ying, Philip K. Hopke, Yingying Zeng, Xiaobin Xu, Zhonglin Xia, Xue Qiao*, 2020. Wet Deposition of Sulfur and Nitrogen at Mt. Emei in the West China Rain Zone, Southwestern China: Status, Long-term Changes, and Source Apportionment. Science of The Total Environment, 713, 136676.

11. Yuanfei Cao, Xue Qiao, Philip K. Hopke, Qi Ying, Yueying Zhang, Yingying Zeng, Yanping Yuan, Ya Tang. Ozone pollution in the west China rain zone and its adjacent regions, Southwestern China: Concentrations, ecological risk, and Sources. Chemosphere, 256, 127008.

12. Zeng,Y.Y., Jaffe, D.A., Qiao, X., Miao, Y.C., Tang, Y., 2020. Prediction of potential high PM2.5 concentrations in Chengdu, China, Aerosol & Air Quality Research. Accepted.

13. Pengfei Wang, Xue Qiao, Hongliang Zhang, 2020. Modeling PM2.5 and O3 with aerosol feedbacks using WRF/Chem over the Sichuan Basin, Southwestern China. Chemosphere.

14. Huan Xu, Wei Zeng, Bing Guo, Philip Hopke, Xue Qiao, Hyunok Choi, Bin Luo, Wei Zhan. 2020. Improved Risk Communications with a Bayesian Multipollutant Air Quality Health Index. Science of The Total Environment.

15. Rajyalakshmi Garaga. Supriyo Chakraborty,Hongliang Zhang,Xue Qiao, Sri Harsha Kota,2019. Influence of anthropogenic emissions on wet deposition of pollutants and rainwater acidity in Guwahati, a UNESCO heritage city in Northeast India. Atmospheric Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104683.

16. Qiao, X., Guo, H., Wang, P.F., Tang, Y., Ying, Q., Zhao, X., Deng, W.Y., Zhang, H.L., 2019. Fine particulate matter and ozone pollution in the 18 cities of the Sichuan Basin in southwestern China: Model performance and characteristics. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2019.05.0235. D

17. Qiao, X., Guo, H., Tang, Y., Wang, P.F., Deng, W.Y., Zhao, X., Hu, J.L., Ying, Q., and Zhang, H.L., 2019. Local and regional contributions to fine particulate matter in the 18 cities of Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. Atmospheric Chemistry Physics, 19, 5791-5803. B

18. Qiao, X., Wang, P., Zhang, J., Zhang, H.L., Tang, Y., Hu, J.L., Ying, Q., 2019. Spatial-temporal variations and source contributions to forest ozone exposure in China¸ Science of The Total Environment. //doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.106. B

19. Guo, B., Sun, C.Y., Fan, C.F., Ma, W.J., Zhang, H.L., Qiao, X., Liu, T., Xu, H., Tang, D., Xie, Z.D., Zhao, X., 2019. Using spatio-temporal lagged association Patter n to unravel the acute effect of air pollution on mortality, Science of The Total Environment, 664, 99-106.

20. Zeng, Y.Y., Cao, Y.F., Qiao, X., Seyler, B.C., Tang, Y., 2019. Air pollution reduction in China: Recent success but great challenge for the future. Science of The Total Environment, 663, 329-337.





期刊审稿人:Nature Communications、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、Environmental Pollution、Ecological Indicators等几十种期刊审稿人。


