



信息来源: 供稿人: 发布日期:2024-07-05 点击数:

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工学博士,特聘副研究员,主要从事碳中和技术(智慧减污降碳、资源碳中和)、高分子膜材料设计制备及资源化利用、CO2捕集膜、水处理分离膜等方面的教学与研究工作。截至目前在国际权威期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,其中以第一/通讯作者在Environment Science & Technology、Journal of Membrane Science、Separation and Purification Technology、Chemical Engineering Journal、Water Research等高水平期刊上发表论文13篇,包括ESI高被引论文2篇,文章总被引达1400余次,授权国家发明专利2项。


2024.01-至今 试玩平台-试玩游戏赚钱 ,特聘副研究员

2022.10-2023.09 比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven),化学工程,博士后

2018.10-2022.09 比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven),化学工程,工学博士(导师:Bart Van der Bruggen)

2015.09-2018.04 南京理工大学,环境工程,工学硕士(导师:张轩)

2011.09-2015.06 台州学院,环境工程,工学学士(导师:管玉江)








1. R. Zhao, P. Jin, J. Zhu, Y. Li, G. Li, A. Volodine, Y. Liu,J. Zheng*, B. V. D. Bruggen*. Amino acid-based loose polyamide nanofiltration membrane with ultrahigh water permeance for efficient dye/salt separation.J. Membr. Sci.673 (2023) 121477.

2. Y. Liu, R. Dewil, X. Zhang, Y. Li, R. Todd, M. Chi, D. Xu, G. Li, P. Jin *,J. Zheng*, B. V. D. Bruggen. Facile Post-treatment of PSf Membranes with Hexane for Fractionation and Concentration of Alkaline Textile Wastewater.Chem. Eng. J.475 (2023) 146274.

3. Y. Liu, G. V. Eygen, S. Yuan, H. Wang, M. Chi, D. Xu, Q. Gao, G. L,J. Zheng*, B. V. D. Bruggen. Facile and Novel Fabrication of High-performance Loose Nanofiltration Membranes for Textile Wastewater Recovery.Sep. Purif. Technol.308 (2023) 122867.

4. R. Zhao, Y. Li, Y. Mao, G. Li, T. Croes, J. Zhu, X. You, A. Volodin,J. Zheng*, B. V. D. Bruggen*. Recycling the High-Salinity Textile Wastewater by Quercetin-based Nanofiltration Membranes with Minimal Water and Energy Consumption.Environ. Sci. Technol.56 (2022) 17998.

5. Y. Liu, S. Yuan, M. Chi, Y. Wang, G. V. Eygen, R. Zhao, A. Volodine, S. Hu,J. Zheng*, B. V. D. Bruggen*. Efficient Capture of Endocrine-disrupting Compounds by a High-performance Nanofiltration Membrane for Wastewater Treatment.Water Res.227 (2022) 119322.

6. P. Jin, S. Chergaoui,J. Zheng*, A. Volodine, X. Zhang, Z. Liu, P. Luis, S. Yuan, B. V. D. Bruggen*, Low-pressure highly permeable polyester loose nanofiltration membranes tailored by natural carbohydrates for effective dye/salt fractionation,J. Hazard. Mater.421 (2022) 126716.

7.J. Zheng, R. Zhao, Y. Liu, X. Zhang, D. Xu, P. Jin, Y. Liu, A. Volodine, J. Zhu*, B. V. D. Bruggen*, Separation of textile wastewater using an highly permeable resveratrol-based loose nanofiltration with excellent anti-fouling property.Chem. Eng. J.434 (2022) 134705. (ESI高被引论文)

8.J. Zheng, X. Zhang, G. Li, G. Fei, P. Jin, Y. Liu, C. Wouters, G. Meir, Y. Li*, B. V. D. Bruggen*, Selective removal of heavy metals from saline water by nanofiltration,Desalination525 (2022) 115380.

9.J. Zheng, Y. Li*, D. Xu, R. Zhao, Y. Liu, G. Li, Q. Gao, X. Zhang, A. Volodine, B. V. D. Bruggen*, Facile fabrication of a positively charged nanofiltration membrane for heavy metal and dye removal,Sep. Purif. Technol.282 (2022) 120155. (ESI高被引论文)

10.J. Zheng,Y. Liu, J. Zhu, P. Jin, T. Croes, A. Volodine, S. Yuan, B. V. D. Bruggen*. Sugar-based membranes for nanofiltration.J. Membr. Sci.619 (2021) 118786.

11.J. Zheng, Y. Yao, M. Li, L. Wang*, X. Zhang*. A non-MPD-type reverse osmosis membrane for brackish water desalination: experimental and molecular dynamics.J. Membr. Sci.565 (2018) 104-111.

12.J. Zheng, M. Li, K. Yu, J. Hu, X. Zhang*, L. Wang*. Sulfonated multiwall carbon nanotubes assisted thin-film nanocomposite membrane with enhanced water flux and anti-fouling property.J. Membr. Sci.524 (2017) 344-353.

13.J. Zheng, M. Li, Y. Yao, X. Zhang*, L. Wang*, Zwitterionic carbon nanotube assisted thin-film nanocomposite membranes with excellent efficiency for separation of mono/divalent ions from brackish water.J. Mater. Chem. A5 (2017) 13730-13739.


1. 张轩,郑峻峰,王连军,用于苦咸水淡化的磺化聚酰胺复合渗透膜及其制备方法,专利号ZL20170689380.8

2. 张轩,郑峻峰,王连军,孙秀云,一种两性离子功能化碳纳米管及其无机纳米材料掺杂纳滤膜,专利号ZL201710100744.4


1. Advanced science、Journal of Membrane Science、Separation and Purification Technology、Chemical Engineering Journal、Desalination、ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering、Water Research等期刊审稿人

2. ACS ES&T water期刊客座编辑

3. European Membrane Society会员


工信部创新奖学金 一等奖





