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试玩平台-试玩游戏赚钱 副研究员、博士生导师,2020年入选四川省高层次人才青年项目。针对我国大气环境高浓度臭氧(O3)和细颗粒物(PM2.5)共存而引发的区域复合污染问题,采用痕量气体及气溶胶成分在线检测设备方法,开展大气氧化过程及环境效应相关研究。主要研究方向包括挥发性有机物(VOCs)反应机制及其对二次污染物生成的影响,灰霾成因及其对大气环境影响,活性含氮物种对区域大气氧化性的影响等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,青年项目,国家重点研发计划子课题以及四川省重点研发项目课题等多项国家及地方项目,已发表SCI论文30余篇,授权发明专利5项。



2022.09–至今  四川大学副研究员

2019.01–2022.09 四川大学特聘副研究员

2018.01–2018.12 法国国家科学研究中心燃烧与环境研究所(ICARE-CNRS),博士后

2014.10–2017.12 奥尔良大学University of Orléans,博士

2010.09–2015.06 中国科学院化学研究所/北京大学,博士

2006.09–2010.06 中国农业大学,学士

















1.Wang, N.;Zhou, L.*; Liu, L.; Song, T.; Luo, Q.; Li, Y.; Yang, F., Chemical characteristics and formation mechanisms of PM2.5during wintertime in two cities with different industrial structures in the Sichuan Basin, China.Journal of Cleaner Production2024, 462, 142618.

2.Lan, Y.;Zhou, L.*; Liu, S.; Wan, R.; Wang, N.; Chen, D.; Li, Y.; Jiang, Y.; Rao, Z.; Jiang, W.; Song, D.; Tan, Q.; Yang, F., Light absorption enhancement of black carbon and its impact factors during winter in a megacity of the Sichuan Basin, China.Science of The Total Environment2024, 918, 170374.

3.Kong, L.;Zhou, L.*; Chen, D.; Luo, L.; Xiao, K.; Chen, Y.; Liu, H.; Tan, Q.; Yang, F., Atmospheric oxidation capacity and secondary pollutant formation potentials based on photochemical loss of VOCs in a megacity of the Sichuan Basin, China.Science of The Total Environment2023, 901, 166259.

4.Chen, D.;Zhou, L.*; Liu, S.; Lian, C.; Wang, W.; Liu, H.; Li, C.; Liu, Y.; Luo, L.; Xiao, K.; Chen, Y.; Qiu, Y.; Tan, Q.; Ge, M.; Yang, F., Primary sources of HONO vary during the daytime: Insights based on a field campaign.Science of The Total Environment2023, 903, 166605.

5.Chen, X.; Wang, M.; He, T. L.;Jiang, Z.*; Zhang, Y.;Zhou, L.*; Liu, J.; Liao, H.; Worden, H.; Jones, D.; Chen, D.; Tan, Q.; Shen, Y., Data‐ and Model‐Based Urban O3 Responses to NOx Changes in China and the United States.Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres2023, 128, (20).

6.Wang, N.;Zhou, L.*; Feng, M.; Song, T.; Zhao, Z.; Song, D.; Tan, Q.; Yang, F.*, Progressively narrow the gap of PM2.5pollution characteristics at urban and suburban sites in a megacity of Sichuan Basin, China.Journal of Environmental Sciences2023, 126, 708-721.

7.Song, T.; Feng, M.; Song, D.;Zhou, L.*; Qiu, Y.; Tan, Q.; Yang, F.*, Enhanced nitrate contribution during winter haze events in a megacity of Sichuan Basin, China: Formation mechanism and source apportionment.Journal of Cleaner Production2022,370, 133272.

8.Liu, S.; Luo, T.;Zhou, L.*; Song, T.; Wang, N.; Luo, Q.; Huang, G.; Jiang, X.; Zhou, S.; Qiu, Y.; Yang, F., Vehicle exhausts contribute high near-UV absorption through carbonaceous aerosol during winter in a fast-growing city of Sichuan Basin, China.Environmental Pollution2022, 312, 119966.

9.Liu, L.; Seyler, B. C.; Liu, H.;Zhou, L.*; Chen, D.; Liu, S.; Yan, C.; Yang, F.; Song, D.; Tan, Q.; Jia, F.; Feng, C.; Wang, Q.; Li, Y., Biogenic volatile organic compound emission patterns and secondary pollutant formation potentials of dominant greening trees in Chengdu, southwest China.Journal of Environmental Sciences2022, 114, 179-193.

10.Chen, D.;Zhou, L.*; Wang, C.; Liu, H.; Qiu, Y.; Shi, G.; Song, D.; Tan, Q.; Yang, F.*, Characteristics of ambient volatile organic compounds during spring O3pollution episode in Chengdu, China.Journal of Environmental Sciences2022, 114, 115-125.

11.Xiong, C.; Wang, N.;Zhou, L.*; Yang, F.; Qiu, Y.; Chen, J.; Han, L.; Li, J.*, Component characteristics and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds during summer and winter in downtown Chengdu, southwest China.Atmospheric Environment2021, 118485.

12.Wang, W.; Liu, M.; Wang, T.; Song, Y.;Zhou, L.; Cao, J.; Hu, J.; Tang, G.; Chen, Z.; Li, Z.; Xu, Z.; Peng, C.; Lian, C.; Chen, Y.; Pan, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Y.; Li, W.; Zhu, T.; Tian, H.; Ge, M., Sulfate formation is dominated by manganese-catalyzed oxidation of SO2 on aerosol surfaces during haze events.Nature communications2021, 12, (1), 1993.

13.陈东阳;周力*; 杨复沫; 王炜罡; 葛茂发, 腔增强吸收光谱技术在大气环境研究中的应用进展. 光谱学与光谱分析 2021, 41 (09), 2688-2695.

14.Tan, Q.; Liu, H.; Xie, S.;Zhou, L.*.; Song, T.; Shi, G.; Jiang, W.; Yang, F*.; Wei, F., Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics and source origins of volatile organic compounds in a megacity of Sichuan Basin, China.Environmental Research2020, 185, 109478.

15.Zhou, L.; Ravishankara, A. R.*; Brown, S. S.; Zarzana, K. J.; Idir, M.; Daële, V.; Mellouki, A.*, Kinetics of the reactions of NO3 radical with alkanes.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2019, 21, (8), 4246-4257.

16.Zhou, L.; Ravishankara, A. R.*; Brown, S. S.; Idir, M.; Zarzana, K. J.; Daële, V.; Mellouki, A.*, Kinetics of the Reactions of NO3 Radical with Methacrylate Esters.The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2017, 121 (23), 4464-4474.

17.Zhou, L.; Wang, W. *; Ge, M. *; Tong, S., Heterogeneous uptake of gaseous hydrogen peroxide on mineral dust.Journal of Environmental Sciences2016, 40, 44-50.

18.Zhou, L.; Wang, W. *; Hou, S.; Tong, S.; Ge, M. *, Heterogeneous uptake of nitrogen dioxide on Chinese mineral dust.Journal of Environmental Sciences2015, 38, 110-118.

19.Zhou, L.; Wang, W. *; Gai, Y.; Ge, M. *, Knudsen cell and smog chamber study of the heterogeneous uptake of sulfur dioxide on Chinese mineral dust.Journal of Environmental Sciences2014, 26 (12), 2423-2433.

20.Zhou, L.; Wang, W.G.*; Ge, M.F.*, Temperature dependence of heterogeneous uptake of hydrogen peroxide on silicon dioxide and calcium carbonate.The Journal of Physical Chemistry A2012, 116 (30), 7959-7964.


1.周力; 杨复沫; 陈东阳 ;一种环境空气O3生成潜势测定装置及方法,专利号:ZL 202111070193.4,授权日期:2022年7月26日

2.周力; 孔岚; 宋天丽; 杨复沫;一种环境空气光氧化二次颗粒物生成潜势评价装置及方法,专利号:ZL202111195413.6 授权日期:2022年6月21日

3.王炜罡; 彭超; 葛茂发;周力;一种大气中五氧化二氮和硝酸浓度在线监测系统及监测方法,专利号:ZL 201610580865.9,授权日期:2019年6月4日

4.王炜罡; 彭超; 葛茂发;周力;一种五氧化二氮的在线制备和标准发生系统及制备方法,专利号:ZL 201610580865.9,授权日期:2018年4月23日

5.王炜罡; 葛茂发;周力;一种实验室用矿物气溶胶发生系统, 专利号:ZL201410349943.5授权日期:2014年10月22日


1.Carbon Research青年编委


1.Carbon Research优秀青年编委(2023)


3.四川大学基于智慧教学环境的 “探究式-小班化”教学质量优秀奖(2021)

